Minggu, 18 Januari 2009

The end of the antibiotic era?

semakin meningkatnya insiden antibiotic-resistant bacteria... semakin mungkin terjadi the'End of the antibiotic era'. Penggunaan antibiotik yang berlebihan terutama di RS menyebabkan penyebaran resistensi dari RS ke komunitas.
bakteri resisten yang berasal dari RS seperti VRE (vancomycin resistant enterococcus) dan MRSA (methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus) ... saat ini berkembang menjadi strain virulen di komunitas cMRSA (community MRSA)

Physician unchlooled in the principles of microbiology utilize anti-infective agents just as they would more conventional medications, such as anti-inflammatory agent etc. They use one or two broad-spectrum antibiotics to treat all patients with suspected infections.

Many excellent broad-spectrum antibiotics can effectively treat most bacterial infections without requiring a specific caisative diagnosis. However, overuse of empiric broad spectrum antibiotics has resulted in the selection of highly resistant pathogen.

Only throught the judicious use of anti-infective therapy can we hope to slow the arrival of the end of the antibiotic era

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